Sometimes, making the same resolutions year after year only to fail a few months in can become pretty discouraging and we often look at resolutions as setting ourselves up to fail.
The Benefits of a Simple Morning Routine
I have read post after post of women who have it all going on: they are up before the sun, ran a quick marathon before their husbands left for work, enjoyed a hot cup of coffee while reading a book, did all of their laundry – folded and put away, made Belgian waffles with fresh, warm blueberry compote for the kids who are just beginning to stir…all by 6am. This ain’t one of those posts. I am not one of those women.
6 Tips for Successfully Using Poshmark to Downsize
Much of what you read when it comes to decluttering will tell you to just call it a lesson. The money is already spent and you now know to think things through a little bit better before you make another purchase.
Agreed. But, I also believe it can be worth it to see if someone out there is willing to pay for it.
Poshmark is a fantastic tool for downsizing as well as earning a little bit of income on the side.
My First KonMari Experience: Clothing
By the end of the week I was surrounded by things I now realized I no longer needed to hold onto. BUT I had to get them out of sight STAT or they would all of a sudden gain some tiny place in my heart and force their way back into my neat – though full – drawers.