A very important thing to learn when trying to save money is that investing in better quality products will save money in the long run. Purchasing things with a plan to just throw it away hurts not only our wallets, but the planet as well. Here are a few things that we use over and over again that will save money in the long run.
Simplify Weekly Dinner Planning – and Stay on Budget
I stumbled on this method for meal planning somewhat accidentally. It frees up so much time throughout the week and helps us to stick to our grocery budget.
Setting Goals you can Achieve
Sometimes, making the same resolutions year after year only to fail a few months in can become pretty discouraging and we often look at resolutions as setting ourselves up to fail.
The Benefits of a Simple Morning Routine
I have read post after post of women who have it all going on: they are up before the sun, ran a quick marathon before their husbands left for work, enjoyed a hot cup of coffee while reading a book, did all of their laundry – folded and put away, made Belgian waffles with fresh, warm blueberry compote for the kids who are just beginning to stir…all by 6am. This ain’t one of those posts. I am not one of those women.
6 Tips for Successfully Using Poshmark to Downsize
Much of what you read when it comes to decluttering will tell you to just call it a lesson. The money is already spent and you now know to think things through a little bit better before you make another purchase.
Agreed. But, I also believe it can be worth it to see if someone out there is willing to pay for it.
Poshmark is a fantastic tool for downsizing as well as earning a little bit of income on the side.
Meal Planning Simplified with eMeals and Walmart Grocery
eMeals partnered up with several shopping services that will actually do your grocery shopping for you! I cut out hours of meal planning and grocery shopping with this easy to use app!
My First KonMari Experience: Clothing
By the end of the week I was surrounded by things I now realized I no longer needed to hold onto. BUT I had to get them out of sight STAT or they would all of a sudden gain some tiny place in my heart and force their way back into my neat – though full – drawers.
Must Have Baby Items for Small Spaces
A practical list of space-saving baby items that worked for us!