Budget - Budgeting

Setting Up a Zero-Based Budget

If you have never used a zero-based budget before, think of it as telling every dollar you have where it will go for the month. When you total up your budget categories, your total income minus total expenses should equal zero. It doesn’t always mean every dollar you have is spent. It means that you are giving each dollar of income a job to do or a place to go.

Budget - Saving money

5 Ways to Reduce Household Expenses

The world is a little scary right now, especially if your finances have been affected. If financial stress is what has brought you here I just want to tell you that you are not alone, and it is going to be okay. Nearly everyday I talk with families who are uncertain about their finances and are hoping to find ways to keep their heads above water. We have been there. Many times.

Budget - Budgeting

3 Things you Must Discuss to Reach your Budget Goals Together

Dave and I sat down together for a few minutes this week to discuss our budget. We have often talked briefly about our spending limits each month and called it a “budget meeting”. This time though, we went more in depth and really talked through each part of our budget – the income and expenses, cash envelope amounts, sinking funds and current debts – for the month and our overall plan for 2020. Going into the new year we hope to really crack down on our budget.

Whether you are saving for a wedding, saving for a home, trying to payoff debts or just trying to make extra room in your tight budget, these discussions will be helpful to keep you both on track.

Budget - Budgeting

5 Years of Living On A Budget

We have been living on a budget for nearly 5 years and we have made so many changes to our lifestyle. We have had many budget slip ups and bumps along the way. There have been so many unforeseen circumstances and only now, 5 years later, do we have a clear vision of what we want our future to look like.

Making money - Side Hustles

6 Tips for Successfully Using Poshmark to Downsize

Much of what you read when it comes to decluttering will tell you to just call it a lesson. The money is already spent and you now know to think things through a little bit better before you make another purchase.

Agreed. But, I also believe it can be worth it to see if someone out there is willing to pay for it.

Poshmark is a fantastic tool for downsizing as well as earning a little bit of income on the side.