The Benefits of a Simple Morning Routine

Total honesty here: as I sit down to write this post, I’ve not checked off my morning to-do list. Sure, I woke up bright and early…to Logan peeling my eyes open. I did however hop out of bed to make coffee and hit the start button on the dishwasher because I forgot that I paused it last night to add one more dish. I’ll count that as a win!

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I find it very important to have an intended morning routine, but don’t get down on yourself if it doesn’t always play out perfectly.

I have read post after post of women who have it all going on: up before the sun, ran a quick marathon before their husbands left for work, enjoyed a hot cup of coffee while reading a book, did all of the laundry, made waffles with fresh blueberry compote for the kids who are just beginning to wake…all by 8am.

This is not one of those posts. I am not one of those women.

I am, however, a stay-at-home mom who is trying to make the most of everyday and to limit the stress that can get in the way of a productive and otherwise happy day. So if you fit in that category – this one is for you!

A morning routine can be a minute by minute plan for the first hour of your day or it can be a list of things you hope to accomplish before 10am.

Some people thrive with a schedule and others will get discouraged by one. It is important to find what works for you.

The key is to keep it simple. Don’t try to pack everything into the first hours of your day. You want to make it manageable and realistic so that you start the day feeling accomplished rather than defeated!

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Benefits of a Morning Routine

It is undeniable that there are benefits to having a morning routine.

When I do stick to my morning routine it always sets me up for a more positive day.

Setting intentions and planning meals for the day ahead really helps to cut back on mental clutter and allow you to free up the little moments you can throughout the day.

A morning routine that includes cleaning will help you stay on top of your housework so you don’t have to spend weekends catching up. A little laundry everyday versus a mountain on the weekend will give you more time to spend doing things you enjoy with your family.

Ticking things off your to-do list first thing in the morning will leave you feeling accomplished – even if that is all you tick off the list for the day! Count the small victories. At the end of the day when everyone is having meltdowns and I can’t remember if I have eaten yet, I still felt successful when the morning has been productive.

What to Include in a Morning Routine

Everyone’s routine includes different tasks. Here are a few to consider that I love to focus on

Make your bed

You’ve no doubt seen it over and over again – the best thing you can do in the morning is make your bed as soon as you get up. You’ve instantly crossed a cleaning task off of your list and it will be so welcoming when bedtime rolls around.


For me I feel it is most important that my morning routine include some form of self-care. Whether it is a 5-minute yoga practice or even just brushing my teeth, having those few minutes to just think of myself is so important.

Take a few minutes to stretch or move through a sun salutation or your favorite yoga sequence. I didn’t understand the importance of stretching in the morning until I had kids and my body started to change drastically.

Morning routine: stretch

If you enjoy reading spend some time reading a chapter or a new article or something you pinned on Pinterest to read later. Lately I’ve been enjoying listening to books on Audible on my morning drive.

If you feel you have an adequate amount of time, fit in a workout. Audible also offers guided yoga, runs and workouts. Or try an on demand workout that can be done in the comfort of your own home.

Drink water

I don’t know about you but I have a difficult time ensuring that I get enough water everyday. Before I get to my coffee, I try to make a point to drink a glass of water. Cold water wakes your metabolism and, lets be honest, some days drinking water is the only thing I do for my health. Judge me.

Drink coffee

Now we’re talking.

Start your laundry

Probably one of the easiest chores to check off the list – put a load of laundry in the wash. The sweet sounds of the running washer will make you feel like you’ve got it together.

The real trick is to get it in the dryer, fold it and put it away at some point during the day. Staying on top of one load of laundry – start to finish – everyday is extremely beneficial. Not only will you keep laundry mountain from growing and taking over your weekend plans but it will also help you to see exactly what you own and can pare down – a topic for another post.

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Put away your dishes

We try to stick to clearing out the sink at night. It is very refreshing to wake up and not have to look into a pile of dirty dishes.

Every morning, I try to put away the dishes we left to dry or I empty the dishwasher. When it comes time to cook meals throughout the day I know everything will be cleaned and I have an empty dishwasher to hide all of the dirty dishes.

Get yourself ready for the day

Shower, brush your teeth, get dressed, do your hair, put on make-up – whatever it is that you typically do to leave the house, try to get it done first thing in the morning.

I am all for Pjs all day long (SAHM life), but I can say for sure that whenever I get out of my nighttime Pjs and into my are-they-Pjs-or-workout-clothes-no-one-knows I tend to feel more accomplished and get more done. Also, when it comes time to leave the house you have already conquered half the battle!

Again, this is geared toward stay-at-home-moms because that is the category where I fall. If you are a working mom, this one it probably WAY more important and should likely fall higher on the list…probably.

Plan your day/Home management

Set intentions for your day. Make a to-do list. Grab a piece of paper and dump out whatever is weighing on your mind so you can try to tackle it at some point.

Plan your meals for the day and make sure you have everything you need – if not, plan to go to the store or find an alternative but don’t be stuck last minute trying to figure out dinner.

If you work on a budget, check your accounts and make sure everything is paid and in order.

If you use a cleaning schedule, make your checklist for the day.

Fix breakfast and get on with the day!

Woah girl, I’m supposed to do all that before my kids open their eyes??

I don’t know about you, but my toddler senses the sun rising and makes sure to beat it to the punch. More often than not he is in my room peeling my eyes open before 6am. My husband leaves for work somewhere around 5 so there is no hitting the gym before he leaves. I am NOT a morning person.

My morning routine more often includes the use of distraction and busy play while I get to as much as I can before school drop off. And by school I mean the three hours Logan goes to VPK.

Don’t get down on yourself if you don’t get to everything every day. I’ve seen some suggest denying yourself your treats – like coffee – unless you get up with your first alarm.

I don’t know about you, but if that coffee doesn’t happen, I don’t happen.

A productive day can still occur even if you sleep in – throw on your best leggings and grab that dry shampoo and slay the day anyway – you’ll get ’em next time. Plus, no one knows (or cares, lets be honest) what you didn’t get to before 10am.

You got this. And as always, find your balance and do what works for you!

Do you have a morning routine? Is there something you MUST do every morning before you can get your day going? Drop a comment!

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