A very important thing to learn when trying to save money is that investing in better quality products will save money in the long run. Purchasing things with a plan to just throw it away hurts not only our wallets, but the planet as well. Here are a few things that we use over and over again that will save money in the long run.
5 Ways to Reduce Household Expenses
The world is a little scary right now, especially if your finances have been affected. If financial stress is what has brought you here I just want to tell you that you are not alone, and it is going to be okay. Nearly everyday I talk with families who are uncertain about their finances and are hoping to find ways to keep their heads above water. We have been there. Many times.
Simplify Weekly Dinner Planning – and Stay on Budget
I stumbled on this method for meal planning somewhat accidentally. It frees up so much time throughout the week and helps us to stick to our grocery budget.
How to Save when Money is Tight
I talked a while back about how we sold our house to get a month ahead on our budget and it has made a huge difference on our finances. We were able to pay off our credit card debts and still had enough left to cover an entire month of bills.
But what if you don’t have a house you can unload to get ahead? Is it possible to get a month ahead while living paycheck to paycheck?
5 Years of Living On A Budget
We have been living on a budget for nearly 5 years and we have made so many changes to our lifestyle. We have had many budget slip ups and bumps along the way. There have been so many unforeseen circumstances and only now, 5 years later, do we have a clear vision of what we want our future to look like.
Meal Planning Simplified with eMeals and Walmart Grocery
eMeals partnered up with several shopping services that will actually do your grocery shopping for you! I cut out hours of meal planning and grocery shopping with this easy to use app!